Talisman-Runen Paintings
I love traditions from a bygone era.
These paintings are used as Talismans, their power comes from composed runes (Bindrunes).
Jolanda Klopper

The Deep Secret of Selfhate
Based on a Poem from The Mad Arab
The Deep Secret of Selfhate
I made this painting by the poem The Deep Secret of Selfhate from The Mad Arab, with in mind the story of Wodan from Norse Mythology, who sacrificed himself to himself and hung upside down on the world-tree Yggdrasil for nine days and then, in exchange for one eye, he receives wisdom in the form of the nine branches. With this nine branches he was able to create the shape from which I made this painting, the Hexagram! The shape of the snowflake! And with this form you can make all runes, representing all the thoughts through which all words are formed, they make every vibrations, they become reverberation's, and all those sounds creating the entire cosmos. This is the deeper meaning of this painting, when we think, talk and create, we are connected to the gods who created it all.
This is the underlying meaning of this God Wodan, who is the same as Hermes Trismegistus, Thoth, Kukulcan, earthly angel Metatron* and many more…
The deep secret of self-hate,
sacrifice yourself to yourself…
If you know a little of Teal Swan's wisdom, you know that even self-hatred is based on love. By hating yourself, you protect yourself from the hatred of others. Self-hatred is a very clever self-defense tactic. Your enemy won't do anything to you as long as you are already wounded. The only problem is that the self-hate tactic pattern does not stop by itself, so when the danger has passed, you are still hanging upside down sacrificed to yourself on the world tree. Without the knowledge, symbolised as the runes, it's not easy to get out of it by yourself.
*Metatron's cube represents the blueprint of creation. According to sacred geometry It symbolizes balance and harmony, illustrating how all life is connected. The 5 Platonic solids are contained in the cube, which are sacred geometry shapes that are thought to be the building blocks of the entire Universe.
More paintings based on Wodan's grit of the nine twigs, see "MORE PAINTINGS"

Dear Lazyness, Dear Anger and Dear Despair
Composition made of the letters"Dear Lazyness", 'Dear Anger" and "Dear Despair" in runes.
These paintings are based on the poems made by The Mad Arab
This photo is a photoshop impression

Creation and Focus (on the Aesir)
Composition made of the letters "Creation" and 'Focus" in runes
This photo is a photoshop impression

Love My Critics
Composition made of the letters 'Love My Critics" in runes
This photo is a photoshop impression

Titel: Dear Pain
Composition made of the letters "Dear Pain" in runes
Based on a poem made by The Mad Arab
This photo is a photoshop impression

Composition made of the letters "Alignment" in runes

I am Brave
Composition made of the letters "I am Brave" in runes

Composition made of the letters "Validation" in runes

I am Complete
Composition made of the letters "I am Complete" in runes

Authenticity ll
Composition made of the letters "Authenticity" in runes

About my Runen paintings
The meaning of the symbols that make up my paintings.
The Runic Writing, Magical runes to awaken the cosmos.
The starting point is one or more words that I write in runes and then knead into a composition… bind runes. Each rune has its own symbolism but can also be written with.
Circles, dots, spheres, with or without a tail represent Potential. Such as sperm, seeds, egg, planets or breasts. The potential of something that is given the opportunity to grow, to become reality. The circle symbolize time.
Vesica Piscis, this mathematical shape resembles an eye, Yoni or fish.
This sign is created by overlapping two circles. This shape means a door to other dimensions, and represents balance and rebirth.
I also use hands, the sense of touch that represents creation.
And it is no coincidence that I like to work on a square as a format, as a symbol for the grid of space.
So in summary, all my paintings have to do with awakening the still dormant creative potential present in the cosmos, to participate in the eternal dance in the space-time continuum. The eternal dance between the complementary energies, the darkness and color, the void and the creation, the straight and the round. In other words, the complementary balance that supplies the entire universe with energy.